Our Services
Remote Mediations
Remote video conference mediations, inevitably became far more popular during the Covid Pandemic. Mediation lends its self very well to video conferencing. It also has obvious benefits, including cost (no room hire or travel expenditure) time (no need to spend time traveling too and fro the venue).
Of all the video conferencing programs, we have found Zoom to be our preferred system, though we are more than happy to meet clients needs by using another platform if required.
For those who don't feel 100% confident with the tech, we offer a free 15min tutorial before the mediation. 15 mins we have found, is more than enough time to learn how to use this very intuitive system.
Legal Aid Funded Mediation
For any cases that are legal aid funded, we have teamed up with Abbotts Martin Solicitors to provide mediation fully funded by legal aid for both parties. For more information about our legal aid funded mediation service, please click the button below which will take you to the Abbotts Martin mediation page.